A Day in Technical Support
What is a day in the life of a Technical Support Engineer like? Do I spend my day asking customers “have you tried turning it off and then turning it on?”. The answer is no, Technical Support is so much more. I want to give you an insight into what my day consists of,...

How does ISO 26262 bring Reliability, Robustness and Scrutiny to New Technologies on our Roads?
For adopting and promoting new technologies, and integrating software into user facing systems, the automotive industry has been well ahead of the curve. Considering the advances still to come, it could very well stay in the lead for decades more. Systems such as...

Have you covered *this* when testing C and C++ Software?
The ability to produce reliable technologies that rapidly follow market trends creates a competitive advantage in the digital world. Part of being a technology company is about producing reliable technology at a rapid pace. At the same time, we cannot sacrifice code...

What is meant by Structural Code Coverage?
What is meant by Structural Code Coverage? Put simply, structural code coverage means the amount of code that is covered in execution by a single test or collection of tests. For a procedural language like C, you can identify a function of interest, run some test...

Can requirements-based testing be automated?
Can requirements-based testing be Automated? Very few people love testing, but technology has come a long way since the days when tests needed to be written manually one by one. Requirements-based testing, however, tends to act as a sticking point when teams start to...

Autonomous Cars – Put Your Safety Belt on, the Future is Almost Here!
In 1872, American George Brayton invented the first commercial liquid-fuelled internal combustion engine. In 1876, Nikolaus Otto, working with Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, patented the compressed charge, four-cycle engine. In 1879, Karl Benz patented a...

Continuous Integration is Absurd without Unit Testing
Continuous Integration is Absurd Without Unit Testing Imagine this conversation between colleagues: “We are pioneers of DevOps,” my colleague says, pointing towards the Dell Inspiron humming away on the edge of his desk. On the screen, a mass of red boxes...

Safety Critical Software – Out of Sight, Out of Mind
I recently travelled for business to Vietnam. I flew from London to Ho Chi Minh City, then took a few internal flights to and from Hanoi and then finally flew back from Hanoi to London. I travelled 24,633km in 6 days and spent more than 30 hours in the air. I flew on...