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18 February 2014 – QA Systems, the provider of software quality solutions to safety critical markets, has signed embedded systems specialist, Trade and Facility Company SA, Embedded Systems Division (TF Company), as its reseller in Italy and Ticino (CH). TF Company will market and distribute QA Systems’ flagship unit testing tool, Cantata, in Italian and Italian-Swiss business and safety-critical markets.
10. Januar 2014 – QA Systems, ein europäischer Lösungsanbieter in der Softwareentwicklung, bietet jetzt ein kostenloses Zertifizierungspaket für Cantata, ihrem Unit- und Integrationstest-Werkzeug für C/C++ in eingebetteten Systemen, an.
17 December 2013 – QA Systems, the provider of software quality solutions to safety critical markets, continues on its course of international expansion by opening a new office in Paris. Pierre-Henri Stanek, an expert in embedded systems verification, will be heading the office as Country Manager.
19 November 2013 – QA Systems, the provider of software quality solutions to safety critical markets, today announced the appointment of TOYO Corporation, a leader in providing technical support services and products to the electro-technical community, as its reseller in Japan.
18 September 2013 – QA Systems, the provider of software quality solutions to safety critical markets, today announced the appointment of GrammaTech Inc., a leading developer of software-assurance tools and advanced cyber-security solutions, as its reseller in the U.S. and Canada.
18. September 2013 – QA Systems, ein europäischer Lösungsanbieter in der Softwareentwicklung, präsentiert die neueste Aktualisierung von Cantata, ihrem Unit- und Integrationstest- Werkzeug für C/C++ in eingebetteten Systemen.