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21 April 2016 – QA Systems, the provider of static and dynamic software testing solutions for safety critical markets, is pleased to announce the appointment of Pi Square Technologies, a US based automotive engineering services company, serving major OEMs and many Tier 1 ECU Suppliers with niche software development and testing services, as its reseller for the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico.
23. Februar 2016 – Mit Cantata 7.0 stellt QA Systems die neue Version des hochmodernen Unit- und Integrations-Testwerkzeugs für die Sprachen C und C++ auf Embedded-Plattformen vor – und macht aufs Neue seine Marktführerschaft deutlich. Das neue Release Cantata 7.0 verfügt über wichtige neue Funktionen, eine breite Palette an Erweiterungen und neue Integrationsmöglichkeiten mit anderen Programmen.
17 June 2015 – QA Systems, the provider of software quality solutions to safety critical markets, announces participation within the new Wind River® Marketplace, providing direct download of Cantata for VxWorks® 7. A specialised variant of Cantata is seamlessly integrated with VxWorks 7 and Wind River Workbench 4, providing C/C++ developers with unit and integration testing and integrated code coverage.
22 May 2015 – QA Systems, the provider of software quality solutions to safety critical markets, continues on its course of international expansion by opening a new office in Italy. Luca Foglia, veteran in the business of embedded systems development, will be heading the office as Country Manager.
25 February 2015 – IBM Rational Test RealTime was conceptualized as a cross-platform solution for component tests and runtime analysis for developers who create complex systems for embedded, real-time-oriented, or other cross-platform, distributed applications. Like Cantata from QA Systems, Rational Test RealTime assists in locating and correcting errors before they reach the production code.
25. Februar 2015 – Nach einer mehrmonatigen Evaluierungsphase ist die Entscheidung nun gefallen: die Robert Bosch GmbH setzt auf Cantata. Das Tool zur dynamischen Source-Code-Analyse hat sich gegen mehrere Mitbewerberprodukte durchgesetzt.